Thursday, July 24, 2014

Remember...and Worship

Joshua wasn't the first to set a memorial stone marking a significant encounter with God.  As few hundred years earlier, Jacob had left home, fleeing the fallout from his betrayal of his brother, Esau. (Genesis 27-28) Alone, frightened of his brother's impending revenge, and likely ashamed of his own duplicity, Jacob stopped to make camp and laid his head upon a nice, comfy stone to sleep.  That night, God appeared to Jacob in a dream to help him remember three very important things on his journey.

God's Promise.  God reaffirmed the promise He had made to give Jacob's grandfather Abraham, and his family, a homeland.  God pledged to keep that promise to Jacob in spite of his lies and manipulations. God's faithfulness did not depend upon Jacob's merit.

God's Plan.  God assured Jacob that He would watch over him and that his travels would eventually lead him back to this place God intended for him to call home.  God's purposes did not require Jacob's understanding.

God's Presence.  Finally, God increased Jacob's awareness of what had been there all along...His presence.  In spite of appearances, God had not abandoned Jacob, nor would He.  God was with Jacob, whether he felt Him or not.

The next morning, still strong in the recollection of his nighttime revelations, Jacob converted his pillow into a pillar.  A sacred place to worship and remember the truths he would need to sustain him on his journey.  And to help us remember.

Can't we all relate sometimes to Jacob? Sometimes we feel alone, or fear we will be.  Sometimes we are feeling confused or out of control - why is this happening to me?  We may have regrets about something we've done or said, wondering if we can be forgiven.   In those moments, we can remember that God keeps his promises to us...even when we don't deserve it.  God has a plan...even when we don't see it.  And He will never, ever abandon us.

Almost 30 years later, Jacob returned to the place of his dream (Genesis 35), and worshiped God there.
He didn't worship the stone, because it was just a symbol.  He didn't worship the pillar,  even though it represented an extraordinary experience with God.  He worshiped God.  His promise-keeping, purposeful, and ever-present God.

What kind of journey are you on today?  What characteristic of your God do you need to remember...and worship?

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